lay me down

Friday, September 26, 2014

Thupelo Workshop Prince Albert

Collaboration  Mark O'Donavan's Musical cement
"Dripping Tap"Thupelo Workshop Prince Albert Festival

Mudpies and Masterpieces
"The concept of time"
Leiwater Prince Albert Festival

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Korea 2013

Watched a video performance by Kimsooja (Korean) in the Leeum Museum. "A Needle Woman" consists of multiple video projections in four cities: Tokyo, Shanghai, Delhi and New York. The artist stands motionless in the streets using her own body as a metaphoric needle, the fascination being the different reactions, or not, of the passers-by, bringing to mind Segal's "Rush Hour", and the routine of urban existence.

link opposite

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Had the pleasure of listening to and viewing works by "Talks by Artists" Arun Sharma. His "Decomposition Works" - deal with a world beyond the familiar and the idea of a universal truth - my questioning of "truth" being so prosaic and his works being anything but. For me, one of the most outstanding works viewed at the biennale. - view link opposite

Invited SA artist Wilma Cruise"s "Cradled" video directed by Gavin Younge

image won't upload - grrrr

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Question: "Do the ideals of labour and craftmanship have any value in contemporary art today?"
*object as art
*art as object
Power Point presentation I will be presenting of my work at Biennale in Korea.

I will be working as a mentee with mentor Li Xiaofeng for month of Oct. in South Korea. A Beijing artist who creates porcelain clothing with shards of broken 'china' dating from Ming Dynasty. Working with 'memories' and repetition he breaks and conciously links shards together with silver wire, his collaboration with Lacoste has seen him produce elaborate clothing. Exhibiting extensively far afield the 'original' ware is not allowed to leave the country so he produces and paints his own pieces which he then deliberately breaks to create his wonders. Link to his work found opposite.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Continuation of the project: "Hiding in Plain Site" to be held in South Korea Sep-Nov 2013 at the GICBiennale. KOCEF website. "Talks by Artists" a lecture on "Art vs Craft debate - taking it further"

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Photograph: Sydelle Willow
Infecting the City March 2013

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"THE HIDDEN FORM: hiding in plain site" 100 Places

How it will unfold

Throughout the week of March Monday 11th to Saturday 16th I will be placing wrapped dolls in prescribed/random places within the CBD area.   20 'gifts' will be placed per day the events of which will occasionally be documented,  and possibly permission needed for further public use.  The concentrated areas will follow the route of the Festival as it unfolds.  Starting Monday 11th at 6pm at the Natural History Museum, Gardens C.T.

The Concept

Accidental finds are all about "us".   The chance event favours the prepared mind and therefore needs a context - hence the collaboration with "Infecting the City".   The wrapped 'kewpie doll' thought forms are being used, not only for the mere 'coincidental find', but to create in the viewer a sense of wonder/confusion/disruption and delight which in turn, allows for the escape of humour and play.   The words on the forms/material will hopefully spark questions and intrigue.   The environment in which they will be placed will allow the participant to momentarily break free from the restrictions of 'everyday life' and be exposed to the 'unintended' and therefore one will not necessarily control what happens.   Depending on who 'finds' the objects ultimately depends on whether they are seen as 'art' or not, and in that sense 'art' itself could disappear.   John Cage once said that a "happening" should create something wholly unforeseable, a 'net to catch a fish'  the nature of which can never be predicted".